Friday, May 17, 2013

Seeker Friendly Church by Steve Shipley

Throughout history, Christians have tried every method known to man to accomplish God's work. But, my friends, God does not need our plans to accomplish His will. He only requires us to be an empty vessel through which the Holy Spirit can work. The Lord wants men and women who are dead to themselves and alive unto God. Too many of us are making the plans and asking God to bless them rather than asking God what the plans are.

This, to a large degree is what is happening in today's church. In order to win souls and advance the Kingdom of God, many church leaders are throwing out the Lord's plan found in the Bible and in it's place they are inserting what they perceive to be a new and better way. This new movement has many names: "the purpose driven church", "the seeker sensitive church", "the church growth movement" and others, but they are all presenting "another Gospel" that the Apostle Paul warned us about in Scripture.

This "new" type of church waters down many doctrines of the Bible and downright omits others in an effort to NOT offend the unbeliever who may walk into a church service. Entire Sunday services are now centered around the "seeker". Their comfort and feelings are paramount. A "lite" Gospel is preached, an entertaining show is presented and gourmet coffee is served.

This purpose driven, seeker friendly church no longer preaches on sin, the cross, the blood of Jesus, repentance, the devil, or hell. Instead we hear nice inoffensive sermons about how God loves you and accepts you just the way you are, therefore you should love and accept yourself and other psychological tripe. You will see a great deal of the adulation of man and very little of the true worship of God. You will be entertained, but not enlightened, pacified but never convicted, and coddled but not changed.

Alas, the entire "seeker friendly" concept is based on a false premise; one that takes for granted that there are some who seek the Lord. But Romans 3:11 says, "there is none that seeketh after God." Only the Holy Spirit can draw a man to Christ and He's been kicked out of the new church. There's no room for Him in the new order. He's just a relic from the past.
This new church is ashamed of the Holy Spirit and His gifts; afraid that He may offend a visitor.

They have forgotten that the gathering of the saints on Lord's day is to glory in His presence and allow Him to do His work. They now think, with their 21st century knowledge, that they can do a better job than Him.

C.S. Spurgeon wrote:
"Certain ministers are treacherously betraying our holy religion under the pretense of adapting it to this present age. The new plan is to assimilate the church to the world by semi-dramatic performances and make the house of prayer like the theater. They turn their services into musical displays, in fact, they exchange the temple for the theater, and turn ministers of God into actors whose whole business is to amuse men. This then is their proposal. In order to win the world, the Lord Jesus must conform Himself, His people, and His Word to the world. I will not dwell on so loathsome a proposal.
My dear hearers, how I long to see you saved! But I would not belie my Lord, even to win your souls., if they could be won so. The true servant of God is not responsible for success or non-success. Results are in God's hands."

More on this in my next post

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