Saturday, May 18, 2013

Digging Up Wells by Steve Shipley

Genesis 26: 15-18 gives us the account of how Isaac dug up the wells of his father, Abraham, that had been clogged with earth by the Philistines. As his servants unstopped each well, they found springs of water.

Modern day Philistines have infiltrated the Church and clogged up the faith of our fathers with all kinds of dirt; humanism, psychology, easy believism, self centered health/wealth message, and a watered down seeker ( sinner ) friendly gospel. Lost deep beneath this mess are springs of living water and the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, where the Holy Spirit still calls men to repentance and to the cross of Christ!

So where are the Isaacs of today? Where are men and women of God who will say "NO" to the compromise we are seeing in most churches across this nation? John the Baptist would not be allowed in today's pulpits. For that matter, neither would Peter, James, John, or Paul. They've already replaced the King James version of the Bible in most churches with newer, watered down translations, because the KJV is too offensive and harsh!

Sure, these new churches are full, but full of what? Clogged up with dirt!

At one church I attended, the Pastor told me that I needed to get in touch with my feminine side. At another, they gave a call for salvation, but never mentioned anything about repentance or the cross of Jesus. I've heard countless sermons filled with psychology ( a humanistic religion ), lightly peppered with scripture ( usually taken out of context ) and nary a mention of the precious atoning blood of our Savior!

If Martin Luther were here today, he would have to nail 95 more thesis to the doors of our "purpose driven" assemblies! Billy Sunday would still preach from a tent, because his "fire and brimstone" words are outdated and may hurt someone's feelings.

The Christian bookstores are filled with dirt. Christian television is filled with dirt. Churches are filled with dirt. We need somebody with a big shovel, or maybe even a bulldozer to dig up the dirt and reveal the "faith of our fathers".

The God of Isaac is still on the throne, but where are the Isaacs of God?

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