Saturday, August 17, 2013

Christian Psychology by Anonymous

Christian psychology
 is a very tender subject indeed - because as much as many people need help in the area of the soul - and MANY people do - it is the one area where new age philosophy is most easily "mixed into the baking dough" so to speak. A humanistic and secular world view is very quickly developed if one goes down this route (I am a Christian therapist myself and I've had to renounce practically ALL of the teaching I received on secular schools and examine carefully the Christian teachings as well).
Anyway, read these words by Dave Hunt and consider how subtle deception can creep into well meaning teaching and attempts to help others - and how much of what is preached in churches today is actually "self help" for the mind and soulish realm seasoned with quotes from the Bible to make it "Christian":

"Christian psychology says that we do need such help, that the Bible doesn't have all the answers we need, that prayer, repentance, being filled with the Holy Spirit and other biblical remedies are not enough because there are psychological problems that require something more. Does it not seem a bit odd that God has apparently inspired the likes of Freud, Jung, et al. with "truths" unknown to the apostles and prophets and all of the leaders in the entire history of the church? No, we are told reassuringly, this is not to be considered strange at all. What we need to understand is that "all truth is God's truth." This specious phrase is invoked whenever questions are raised and is generally accepted without further thought.

The question of what is meant by truth is seldom asked. Are we talking about scientific facts involving the brain and body, or about God's truth involving the soul and spirit? Jesus said, "Thy Word is truth ," not part of the truth. Psychology pretends to deal with the soul and spirit (it actually claims to be a science of mind ), a subject upon which God has spoken with finality and about which He claims to have communicated in His Word the whole truth . There are no parts of this truth missing from the Bible and left in limbo to be discovered by godless theorists. To suggest that there are is to contradict the clear testimony of Scripture and the consistent teaching of the church since the beginning, a church that got along very well without psychology until its very recent introduction into secular society and from there into the Christian realm.

As soon as the door was opened for the "truths" of psychology to shed further light upon Scripture a subtle process began. If "all truth is God's truth," and psychology is part of that truth, then it has to be given equal authority with the Bible. Of course Christian psychologists deny this. In all sincerity they assure us that no psychological theory will be accepted that contradicts the Bible; but in actual practice "psychological truth" is imposed upon the Bible and becomes the new grid through which the Bible is to be interpreted."

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